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Bible Basics Conference 2009: "Walk Worthy of the Calling!"

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"Walk Worthy of the Calling!"

1. Michael Hardt - God’s Purpose Eph1.1-14
2. Hugh Clark - Paul’s first prayer in Ephesians   Eph 1.15-23
3. Mark Grasso - God’s masterpiece the material Eph 2.1.10
4. Paul Dronsfield - God’s masterpiece the result Eph 2.11-22
5. Question and Answer 1
6. Andrew Poots - The unsearchable Riches of Christ.  Eph 3.1-13
7. Robert Wall - Paul's second prayer in Ephesians. Eph 3.14-21
8. Simon Attwood - The Christian in the body Eph 4.1-16.
9. Nick Fleet - The Christian in the world (1). Eph 4.17-32
10. Question and Answer 2
11. Geoff Hawes - The Christian in the world (2). Eph 5.1-21
12. Rusty Warnes - The Christian in marriage. Eph 5.22-33
13. Brian Warnes - The Christian in family and job. Eph 6.1-9
14. Simon Attwood - The Christian Warfare. Eph 6.10-24
15. Michael Hardt - Summary and Conclusion

For more details and also the slides of the sermons visit:

Parte 1
Parte 2
Parte 3
Parte 4
Parte 5
Parte 6
Parte 7
Parte 8
Parte 9
Parte 10
Parte 11
Parte 12
Parte 13
Parte 14
Parte 15

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